Some employees may look at Mystery Shopping as a bane rather than a useful training tool. However, the purpose of a mystery shopping program is to help staff and ultimately the company to provide quality service to customers. Is there a way in using mystery shopping results to motivate employees?

The cause of staff members seeing the program as a bane may be due to various factors. Maybe a manager does not explain why they failed. Instead the manager only tells the staff that they failed. Failure without reason, will not result in improvement it will result in frustration.

Though sometimes tricky, the results from a mystery shopping report can be used to motivate staff to perform better. Which will help in the overall result

Can Using Mystery Shopping results to motivate employee work?

Communicate and explain

It’s a vital part of any business and/or company. Communication is key for smooth operation. If a staff member failed an evaluation, they need to understand why.

The manager needs to sit down with the staff and explain the areas in which they performed below par. Allowing them to understand the quality of service that the company is looking for. The staff member would also need to understand how to work towards providing better service and which methods would work best.


Staff need to receive some recognition for the good work that they do. A paycheque is all and well and good, though, being told that you have done a good job is more intrinsic.

This should also be explained and communicated to them as to why they did well. Noting the positive points and what the staff did right. Again, it is always important to note the quality of service that the company is after.

Slow steady improvement

When it comes to providing service, it is oftentimes a mix of selling a skill, attitude, social aptitude and training. That’s a lot to take into account. One cannot discount on any of the factors mentioned.

When it comes to behavioural changes, adults often find it hard to recondition themselves to a new way of doing things.

Staff members need to be allowed time to improve and not be expected to perform above standards immediately, in any area that is being evaluated. If a staff member is weak in greeting customers, maybe they can spend a month working on this area specifically. Moving from smiling in acknowledgement of the customer to greeting them in a more personalised manner. It may take some time, however, the results would be seen in the long run.

Provide Intrinsic Value to The Staff

As people, we look for value. Companies look to providing value and quality service to their customers. This is done through the staff. Although, staff also need value in their work.

For example, allowing staff to develop their skills over time would provide intrinsic value. If a staff member is shy and can find it difficult to greet customers or even attend to customers, over time and with training, the staff member may get better. This would translate to their personal behavioural improvement in social skills. Giving them more intrinsic value in character development.

There are many other ways to use the results to help the morale of staff or team. A team lunch or small gifts – for good results can be used as well.

Do you think that Mystery Shopping could help your company? Contact Mystery Management at